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Learning a craft like bamboo rod making can be a daunting task if the learner sets about doing it themselves.  The sheer cost of materials and tooling alone, have kept many from trying their hand at a hobby that otherwise could have become a fulfilling lifelong passion. Reading books and watching videos may help, but they can be confusing and may leave many questions.

Learning to make a bamboo rod by these methods will require at best a steep learning curve, and at worst lead to disappointment and disillusionment with the entire craft.  That’s why I recommend classes with an experienced rod maker and teacher, who can demonstrate the various steps, and the proper use of the various tools required to produce a quality rod.

Making your first rod with some hands-on instruction will help you determine whether rod making is a hobby you would like to pursue, without first investing more of your time, or purchasing costly tooling and equipment.  Students who complete my class leave with a completed rod they made themselves, as well as the ability to make their own rods in the future.


I offer class schedules tailored  to fit your own demanding schedule.  I can work with you to hold  the classes over a continuous six day session, over several weekends, or on a day by day basis, whatever best meets your requirements. Under my watchful eye, the student will learn the safe use of the same equipment I use to produce rods in my shop.  I will share tips with the  student I have learned over the years to maximize their effective use and ensure a higher quality result.  Together, we will build a two piece, single tipped rod.  Class time is intense, and we will work 8-12 hours each day.  All the tools and materials are provided, but students are encouraged to bring their own tools if they have any.  I can evaluate the tools and if necessary tune them properly or offer suggestions for alternate replacements.

The six days of instruction will be organized as follows:

Day 1: selecting a culm, flaming (if desired) splitting and straightening the strips.

Day 2: rough planning, heat-treating, setting planning form,  and tapering the strips.

Day 3: final planning, gluing, straightening the blank, and sanding the sections.

Day 4: Ferrule mounting, assemble / turn the grip,

Day 5: Space and wrap on guides, seal guides. Apply first coat of varnish

Day 6: Apply final varnish coats, rod is ready to take home that afternoon.

My goal is to share my love of the craft of bamboo fly rod making in such a way that the student is motivated to pursue the hobby themselves.  The skills learned in my class will provide a graduate with the basics they will need to begin the process of making their own rods if they should choose to do so.  I can also provide them with the necessary equipment and source of material they will need to set up their own hobbyist shop.  By taking a class with me, one can walk away not only with a completed rod of their own construction, but also with a richly fulfilling, lifelong hobby.

Sign Up

The class fee is $1400 per student and a deposit of $500 is required to reserve your spot.